1. 根据测试流程,带领技术员完成电动工具的测试任务。Leading technicians to perform power tools testing according to testing procedures.
2. 维护测试设备,为不同种类的电动工具设计测试工装和联轴器。Maintain testing equipment, design fixture and coupling for all power tools.
3. 根据客户要求,提供客制化测试服务。Provide customized testing service base on different requirement from customer.
4. 协助多项认证工作,包括IEC, EN, UL, Rohs/Phas 等和DEKRA 等第三方的合作。Assist and maintain IEC, EN, UL, Rohs/Phas etc. and communication with 3rd party like DEKRA.
5. 不断学习最新测试标准,设计和购买相关测试设备。Study newest testing standard ,design and purchase new testing equipment
6. 出具试验分析和最终试验报告。Issue testing analyses and conclusion reports.
7. 定时/不定时检查当地供应商产品开发、生产制造流程、品质管理等方面的合规性。Spot inspection local supplier’s performance on project development, production process and quality control
8. 帮助其他部门和供应商面对面的沟通有关开发、订单完成情况、质量管理有关事项。Support other team for supplier F2F communication regarding to development, delivery, quality issues.
1. 5年以上工作经验。 5 years above work experience.
2. 本科以上,机电一体化。Bachelor major in mechatronics.
3. 良好的沟通能力(英文读写)。Communication skill in Chinese and English.
4. 积极主动的学习精神和认真仔细的工作态度。Initiative and willing to learn, serious and careful to work.
5. 熟悉国际标准,熟悉电动工具者优先。Priority to familiar with international standard and power tools.